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Pinnacles General Management Plan (Alternatives) Feedback Form

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The General Management Plan - What Climbers Need to Know
(and How You Can Participate in Determining Pinnacles Future)

The National Park Service is working on plans for the development and management of Pinnacles National Monument for the next 15-20 years, and they want to hear from you. By completing the short feedback form below you can let them know what's most important to you about Pinnacles.

If you already know about the Park's proposed "alternatives" for the GMP, you can skip right to our feedback form and send your thoughts straight to the Park.

What you should know about the GMP and Altenatives

  • What is the General Management Plan and why do I care?

    The GMP is a set of guidelines and rules tailored specifically to the requirements and challenges of managing day-to-day activities, cultural and natural resources, and the visitor experience at Pinnacles National Monument.

  • What does the GMP say about climbing?

    Well, not much, specifically. The GMP's language speaks mostly in broad strokes - it is a "General" plan. You can expect to see things along the lines of: "The park will take action to abate erosion in high use areas, such as hiking trails and staging areas for rock climbing." (Note: FOP created the previous example. We are not aware that this exact language appears anywhere in any proposed GMP)

    The point is that the GMP is not where the Park is going to define any specific regulations pertaining to rock climbing in the park. That language will appear in a separate document called the "Climbing Management Plan" or CMP.

  • If the CMP is the climbing related document, then why aren't we commenting on that?

    It doesn't exist yet. The CMP will follow the creation of the GMP which follows the finalization of the "Alternatives" document, which is what you are providing feedback on for now. The park hopes to finish their GMP in 2009 and address the CMP sometime in 2010. There will be plenty of time for us to comment on the CMP when the time comes.

  • So, what is the Alternatives document and what can I do?

    Right now, the Park is deciding on the overall direction of management policies for the next 15 to 20 years. This overall direction will determine the "tone" of the GMP and subsequently the CMP.

    The Park has outlined four general "Alternatives":

    • Keep the Status Quo (minimal changes)
    • Adopt a more "Education/Research" oriented direction (promote education and research)
    • Adopt a more "Backcountry Experience" oriented direction (promote wilderness and solitude)
    • Adopt an "Expanded Visitor" oriented direction (expand recreation, education, cultural and interpretive opportunities throughout)

    FOP has created the feedback form below in an effort to supply the Park with the kind of information they need in order to select the best direction for the Park; balancing the public's desired usage against preservation necessities.

    Answer the questions below and let the Park know how you most enjoy this amazing resource.

  • Do we know anything for certain at this point?

    Yes! At least there are a few things we can pretty much count on because they are part of all plans in some form:

    • Some form of climbing closures for wildlife protection will exist into the foreseeable future
    • The Condor program will stay in place and protected condor areas will remain closed
      (these are not established climbing areas)
    • Opportunities for traditional recreation such as hiking, climbing and picnicking will be preserved
    • The East Side campground amphitheater and store will be preserved
    • Shuttle service with stops at Visitor Center and major sites
    • The Bear Gulch Nature Center, parking & restrooms, housing on the eastside, and maintenance facilities at Chalone will be retained in some form.

Use this form to send your "GMP Alternatives" comments to Pinnacles National Monument.

General Management Plan Assessment Feedback (Required Information)
This information is required because the Park is categorizing responses by location.
State: (example: CA) Zip:
Optional Information
First Name: Last Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
I am a Friends of Pinnacles Member
Do not share my contact information for marketing purposes
Assessment Feedback (answering question 1 will display additional questions)
All of these questions are optional, but the more information you provide, the better it is for the Park service and the climbing community.
  1. How often do you visit Pinnacles National Monument?
I've never been
Less than once a year
1-5 times per year
5-10 times per year
More than 10 times per year