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Condor Release Event - Details

Information for press covering the condor release Please RSVP to ensure a press packet will be available

Event/Location: Pinnacles National Monument California Condor Release Saturday, November 01, 2008 at Pinnacles National Monument 32 miles south of Hollister

Event Schedule

  • 7:00 – 8:00
Press meets at the Peaks View Picnic Area at Pinnacles National Monument. Identify yourself as press to the ranger at the park entrance, and you will be directed to the Peaks View parking area. Meet to pick up press packet for the event from Park Ranger Carl Brenner (to ensure there are enough press packets, please leave a conformation message at Carl's extension, 831-389-4486 ext 265 or email at
  • 8:00
Hike to release viewing area (about 45 minutes). Contact the park for special arrangements to transport photography equipment to the release viewing site.
  • 9:00 – 9:30
Release viewing site, podium area. Interview opportunity with Eric Brunnemann (Superintendent, Pinnacles National Monument), condor project staff (Jim Petterson and Daniel George), and other dignitaries, to be announced.
  • 10:00 –10:30
Pre-release program. Speakers: Eric Brunnemann (Superintendent, Pinnacles National Monument), Reb Monaco (San Benito County Supervisor ) Daniel George (Condor Biologist, Pinnacles), Val Lopez (Tribal Chairperson, Amah Mutsun Tribal Band of Ohlone/Costanoan Indians).
  • 10:30
Release begins
NOTE: We have chosen to do a "soft release" because it will be less stressful on the birds. There is a double-door trap: one door opens to the inside of the pen and the other to outside and freedom. The interior door normally remains open to allow the condors to become familiar with the interior of the trap. For release purposes, once a condor enters the trap, the inner door is closed and the outer door is opened to allow it to fly free. There is, however, a chance that no birds will enter the trap. If this happens, the release will be postponed.
  • 1:00
Event ends.
  • 2:30
Condor Talk by John Moir at Pinnacles Visitor Center, (author of Return of the Condor) (tentative)
  • 6:30
Amphitheater Program by a Pinnacles wildlife/condor biologist at the campground amphitheater

Additional information:

  • Remember to bring plenty of water and lunch; wear good walking shoes and layered clothing.
  • There is no cell phone service available in the park, pay phones are available at the Pinnacles Visitor Center/campstore and Bear Gulch Nature Center.
  • Rain will cancel the event.

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