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Voluntary Climber Registration Logs Relocated

The voluntary climber registration logs and boxes on the west side of Pinnacles National Monument have been relocated.

A new box has been installed on the back of the interpretive climbing display next to the Chaparral restroom, on the west side of Pinnacles. The new box is similar to the registration box on the back of the display at the Moses Spring (east side) trailhead. The boxes at the Balconies and Juniper Canyon trailheads have been removed.

The voluntary logs are used for search & rescue purposes. When the NPS receives a report of overdue climbers, the logs are checked for any information that may narrow the response area. While such occasions are rare, we find that most parties having difficultly during their climbs did not encounter other visitors during their trip and information is scarce. Considering the remote location of many routes, the logs are a valuable tool that may reduce response time in emergencies.

The old boxes became a popular place for garbage and the logs became ineffective. Very few visitors used the logs properly and they were often destroyed by vandalism and graffiti.

Many emergency responses at Pinnacles could have been prevented with better trip preparation. Carry extra clothing, water, and a flashlight. Do not rely on cell phone service. Let friends or family know where you are going and when you'll return. If you plan on accessing the more remote challenges in the monument, leave detailed information with someone. The registration logs will continue to be available to those who wish to leave this information at the trailhead. Even if you're confident in your abilities, please encourage use of the registration logs, especially among those who may be climbing at the monument for the first time.

Comments or suggestions on this topic may be addressed to General park information can be obtained by visiting our Web Site or by calling 831-389-4486 extension 0.

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