News Item
- Pinnacles Raptor Monitoring Update for July 2024
(posted: Jul 27, 2024)The 2024 raptor breeding season at Pinnacles National Park (PINN) is coming to an end. Here is an update on how the season played out this year.
Climbing Closures Update
posted: June 02, 2010
There has not been a official announcement as of this posting, but the emergency closure of Resurrection Wall imposed to protect nesting Condors has been lifted along with several other regularly closed areas.
While the lifting of closures is normally good news for us climbers, in this case the action has been predicated on a rather sad occurrence. Those of you who have been following the events surrounding the first naturally occurring Condor nest in the park for over 100 years are already aware that the male Condor had to be evacuated and treated for lead poisoning. Since then it has been determined that the nestling also had very high lead levels in its blood. Both birds have been evacuated to the Los Angeles zoo for treatment. Needless to say, the nest is no longer viable for the season.
Our heart goes out to all those individuals in and related to the Park Service who have work so hard to give this Condor pair and their nestling every possible opportunity. Let us hope for great successes in the future.
You can send comments and best wishes to the Park through Raptor Biologist Gavin Emmons.