News Item
- Pinnacles Raptor Monitoring Update for July 2024
(posted: Jul 27, 2024)The 2024 raptor breeding season at Pinnacles National Park (PINN) is coming to an end. Here is an update on how the season played out this year.
Tourist Trap Closure
posted: July 01, 2010
The Tourist Trap formation on the East Side of Pinnacles is closed until the end of July for restoration. The Trails Crew will be working to repair, rehab, and restore some of the lower access trail at the site.
The Park hopes to begin restoration of multiple access trails at heavily used climbing areas, starting with Tourist Trap this year and hopefully extending to Discovery Wall and beyond in upcoming years. The Trails Crew work will help stabilize some of the climber access areas that have been degraded through erosion and heavy traffic over time.
Opportunities to volunteer to assist with the trail work may be possible. Contact Trail Supervisor Tim George if you are interested in volunteering.