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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! June 4th is National Trails Day

If you missed the last Volunteer Trail Work Day, here's your opportunity to show your support!

On Saturday, June 4th, Tim George, on behalf of Pinnacles National Monument will be hosting National Trails Day at the park. This is the second "trail work day" Tim is hosting and he has high hopes that many of you can make it out that day.

Tim is planning to work on the East Side this time and tackle tasks ranging from trail clearing to real "rock work." The team will assemble at 8:00 AM at the Trails Workshop and head out for a day of work and fun.

Volunteers will need to bring a lunch, lots of water, sunscreen and GLOVES. Weather will likely be warm to hot, but bring a sweatshirt or windbreaker just in case. Optionally, if you have your own loppers and/or nippers bring them along.

To volunteer contact Tim George any time before the event, but please let him know you are coming so he can plan how to allocate the team.


	 :	Tim George (Trails Supervisor)

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