News Item
- Pinnacles Raptor Monitoring Update for July 2024
(posted: Jul 27, 2024)The 2024 raptor breeding season at Pinnacles National Park (PINN) is coming to an end. Here is an update on how the season played out this year.
Cllimbing Advisories Update
posted: April 16, 2012
The latest closures information has been posted to the Climbing Information area. Our thanks to Gavin for keeping this information up to date.
The PRFA pair around Hanging Valley / Little Pinnacles appears to consist of two young birds that are considering nesting options in the area but have not yet committed to any cliff cavity sites.
Please note that climbing and hiking advisories are in effect, and have been updated for April 2012. Raptor advisory signs have been placed at Hawkins, Scout, Balconies, and Little Pinnacles, to protect these sensitive species from the pressures of hiking and climbing during the nesting season. Any assistance climbers can provide in diverting visitors from advisory areas, and reporting incidents of uninformed climbers and hikers in advisory areas to law enforcement staff, is highly appreciated!
Golden eagles have also been seen regularly in and near the park over the past month. Nesting pairs have been confirmed incubating eggs along Highway 146 approaching the west side entrance of Pinnacles, and near North Chalone Peak.
In total, thirty-four raptor nests representing 9 species have been confirmed at Pinnacles so far this season. These include:
- 7 red-tailed hawk nests
- 6 red-shouldered hawk nests
- 1 white-tailed kite nest
- 3 barn owl nests
- 2 long-eared owl nests
- 1 great-horned owl nest
American kestrels have been observed throughout the park and should be beginning cliff- and tree-cavity nesting efforts this month. Cooper’s and sharp-shinned hawks are engaging in territorial and courtship displays in riparian habitat through the park and should be beginning nest selection and egg laying by the end of April.
Thank you to all the staff who have continued to provide me with raptor observations; every detail on raptor behavior helps to provide a more complete picture of raptor breeding at the park.
If you have the inclination to assist with our raptor spotting program, please contact me (Gavin) directly.