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Summer Speaker Series Continues

Please join us for the brand new speaker series at Pinnacles National Monument being held at the Soledad library the first Saturday of each month and the new Visitor Contact Station in the park for the second, third and fourth. The Speaker Series will continue through October.

The presentations are free and will last 30-60 minutes each and are open to the general public. Bring the family kids activities are included!

The Month of August focuses on the People of Central California.

  • Life of the Amah Mutsun with Val Lopez, Chairman of Amah Mutsun Tribal Band
    August 25, 2012 , 2:00pm
Join us as Valentin Lopez, Chairman of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Council, walks us through the relationship between the Amah Mutsun tribe’s descendants and the land of Pinnacles National Monument. Bring your family to this fun filled event. Kids activities are included!!
These speakers will be presenting at the new Visitor Contact Station on the west side (Soledad) of the park at 2:00pm, park entrance fee applies.

September’s speakers will focus on Wildlife and October on Climate Change and Sustainability.

Highway 146 on the east side and west side of Pinnacles National Monument do not connect, there is no direct route through the park. To attend these special programs make sure you enter the park from the west side, near Soledad, CA.

Nichole Andler
Chief of Interpretation

Pinnacles National Monument
5000 Highway 146
Paicines, CA 95043
(831) 389-4486 ext 265
email Nicole

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