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Friends Of Pinnacles Launches New Site

In an ongoing effort to provide better information to both Pinnacles climbers and general park visitors, FOP has launched a greatly improved new Web site.

At first glance things should look pretty much the same, but you will soon notice the improved navigation, information and services. Several new areas have been added including a Recommended Routes section and expanded About The Park area.

The biggest improvements are "behind the scenes." With the help of Manx Web Solutions (a Web development firm) FOP has converted it's Letters, Route Info and Rebolting Info sections to dynamic data delivery. This means all the information is stored in a database and delivered to the Web site when needed. Using dynamic data delivery will allow FOP to update it's information very quickly and accurately.

Of course the ever popular Gallery has received a bit of a face lift as well.

We here at FOP hope you enjoy the changes and look forward to your comments.

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