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Protect the Pinnacles From Extreme Oil

If you've been waiting for the right time to speak out against dangerous fossil fuel projects like the Keystone XL pipeline, fracking and other climate-killing development, your moment has arrived.

On Sept. 21 join the Center for Biological Diversity, along with, San Benito Rising and dozens of other groups, at a "Draw the Line" event at Pinnacles National Park.

In California, fracking, acidization and cyclic steaming are common, extreme methods of oil extraction that target fossil fuels that should be left in the ground. Plans are now moving forward for 15 new oil wells less than 10 miles south of Pinnacles National Park -- which is home to endangered California condors. This proposal utilizes a particularly dangerous extraction technique called cyclic steam injection.

It's time to take action: Please join us Saturday, Sept. 21 and draw the line on risky oil development around California's newest national park.

Event details below:

What: Draw the Line Rally
Where: Pinnacles National Park, 5000 California 146, Paicines
When: Saturday, Sept. 21 starting at 9:30 a.m.

Go here for more information

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