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Help The Park Monitor Condors

Become a Pinnacles National Park Condor Monitoring Assistant

Orientation: Saturday, March 15
Join us for a fun-filled day at the orientation led by National Park Service Wildlife Biologists.
(Orientation required to join monitoring team.)

We are looking for long-term volunteers that can commit to a minimum of 2 survey days per month on Weekends. The primary duties of the volunteer will be observing and recording condor behavior as well as communicating with park visitors. (9 month commitment required)

Volunteers will need to be able to hike up to 5 miles on steep and rugged terrain carrying 40+ lbs of equipment, have a tolerance for summer temperatures that exceed 100 degrees, and possess a sense of humor and a great deal of patience.

For more information see our Web site

Space is limited and RSVP is required by March 10th, please contact Alacia Welch or Veronica Johnson at 831-389-4486 x242

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