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Junior Ranger Day

When: Saturday April 26th

Don't Miss This Great Event. The days activities include:

Birds of Pinnacles

11:00am - Explore the wonderful habitat of hawks, jays, vultures and other birds of Pinnacles with volunteer ranger Sandra.

45 Minutes; Meet at the Pinnacles Visitor Center (East Entrance of the Park)

Sights, Sounds and Other Senses of Pinnacles

3:00pm - Join Volunteer ranger Maggie and use your senses and skills of observation to investigate what makes Pinnacles a special place for plants, animals and people to live.

45 Minutes, Meet at the Pinnacles Visitor Center (East Entrance of the Park)

Notes About Getting Here

Highway 146 on the east and west side of Pinnacles National Park do not connect—there is no direct route through the park. To attend these special programs make sure you enter the park from the east side, near Hollister, CA.Park entrance fee applies.

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