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Upcoming Management Plan Meetings

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Park Superintendent Gary Candelaria (831) 389-4485


A second set of meetings to initiate the General Management Plan process for Pinnacles National Monument will be held in the following locations: Hollister City Council Chambers (Dec. 1), the Casa Munras Hotel in Monterey (Dec. 2), and the City of Campbell Conference Room (Dec. 3). All meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. The public is again invited to attend to help park staff and National Park Service planners begin this important planning process.

"Public input and direction is vital for a successful Pinnacles planning effort" Candelaria said. " It's not enough for just National Park Service staff to plan the park's future; the park's users, neighbors, and supporters should have a say in this too."

Scoping meetings help planners define the range and areas of interest and concern the plan should address. Professional park planners from the National Park Service Pacific West Regional Office in San Francisco will be present at the meetings to explain the General Management Plan process, answer questions, and listen to public input.

Written scoping comments are also invited. They can be mailed to the Superintendent, Pinnacles N.M., 5000 Highway 146, Paicines, CA 95043. Written comments should be submitted by December 15, 1998.

The Hollister City Council Chambers are located at 375 Fifth St. in Hollister. Casa Munras Hotel is at 700 Munras Ave. in Monterey. The City of Campbell Conference Room is at 1 West Campbell Ave. in Campbell.

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