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Pinnacles Partnership Funds New Accessible Viewing Scopes at the Park

Pinnacles Partnership is excited to announce the receipt of a grant from The Fund for People in Parks to fund the purchase of four binocular viewing scopes for Pinnacles National Park. Through a joint collaboration between Pinnacles National Park, Pinnacles Partnership, and The Fund, the scopes are being installed in January and February and will be ready for visitor use by the end of February.

The addition of these scopes provides viewing access from areas near parking lots on the east and west sides of the park. The scopes offer an enhanced view of scenic features of the park, especially for visitors who may have difficulty hiking the trails.

Two scopes are currently being installed on the east side of the park at the Peaks View parking area. In the next few weeks two more scopes will be installed on the west side of the park in the Chaparral parking area. These locations were strategically chosen to provide visitors with accessibility, convenient parking access, views of the iconic Pinnacles rock formations, and possible condor and other wildlife viewing. The scopes are located in areas with restrooms, parking, and trailheads. In addition to convenient locations, one scope on each side of the park is wheelchair accessible.

You can support Pinnacles National Park and projects like this by joining Pinnacles Partnership today! Pinnacles Partnership is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring excellence in education, resource stewardship, and visitor experiences at the park. We are seeking new members, additional board members, and volunteers. Join us or learn more by visiting

The Fund for People in Parks provides private funding and resources to complete inspirational projects that directly benefit visitors in the western National Parks. The Fund continues the early tradition of private philanthropy for National Parks and concern for the visitor that was at the heart of the founding and subsequent growth of the National Park system. By providing private funds and other resources for worthy projects that cannot be accomplished through public funding alone, The Fund develops public/private partnerships that create the critical margin of excellence that enhances the visitor’s experience in Parks.

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