News Item
- Pinnacles Raptor Monitoring Update for July 2024
(posted: Jul 27, 2024)The 2024 raptor breeding season at Pinnacles National Park (PINN) is coming to an end. Here is an update on how the season played out this year.
Pinnacles Partnership announces 'Pinnacles Condor Experience'
posted: August 17, 2015
Sign up today to take part in Pinnacles Condor Experience - an exciting new condor education and fundraising program presented by Pinnacles Partnership. The first portion of the program includes free lectures on these magnificent birds and the efforts to save them. These free classes will be held at local Bay Area Central Coast REI stores between August 11 and October 6. The second part of the program is a day-long learning adventure at Pinnacles National Park that focuses on the many natural wonders of the park with a special emphasis on the endangered California Condor. The educational lectures and guided hikes will be held at Pinnacles National Park on October 10, November 7, and December 5 for a fee of $150 per person. The free lectures at Central Coast and Bay Area REI stores will be presented by Richard Neidhardt. Richard is a member of the condor team at Pinnacles National Park and also the board chair for the Pinnacles Condor Fund at Pinnacles Partnership. He will use his hands-on knowledge to lead classes covering the history and current status of the condor; their life cycle, behaviors, and habitat; information about the bird and its role in nature and society; and the Pinnacles Condor Program including condor release in the wild, monitoring, concerns, and the future.
Richard and Pinnacles Partnership will also be hosting "Pinnacles Condor Experience" days at Pinnacles National Park. Participants will be able to enjoy this day-long adventure for a fee of $150 per person. This educational fundraiser benefits Pinnacles Partnership and our Pinnacles Condor Fund. Participants will join birding experts, condor volunteers, and Pinnacles National Park experts in condors, birding, botany, wildlife, and geology for an unforgettable eight hours in Pinnacles National Park.
Participants will begin the Pinnacles Condor Experience adventure at 8:30 AM in a Pinnacles classroom. Lectures will provide details about the California Condor and other Pinnacles birds as well as geology, flora, fauna, and history of the park. Mid-day, participants will choose between the Condor Gulch trail - a 900' climb to a California Condor overlook site - or a flat hike through Pinnacles riparian habitats. Each hike is composed of 15 people (per trail choice) and is guided by two or more experts who love to teach and share. These family-friendly hikes are paced for ease and enjoyment. After the hike all participants will join again with guides and teachers for a simple meal that revisits the day's adventures and wraps up lingering questions.
For more information:
Contact: Rochelle Fischer, Executive Director
831-637-4879 or 831-524-2928