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Condors Rule!

If you climb regularly at the Pinnacles, you have no doubt heard about, and maybe even seen, the rare and amazing Condor. When you are half way up a climb and one of these birds comes anywhere near you, you are suddenly acutely aware of their incredible size. In the presence of these giants I start to feel like a Condor "snack"!

But I digress, this announcement is really about the lifting of the "special" Machete condor closure. The fledgling Condor that was residing there has grown big enough to no longer need the additional protections. While this is great news for climbers, it's really incredible news for all of us: this is the first successful, wild fledging of a condor in over 100 years.

A special shout out to Gavin Emmons, our own Raptor Biologist for his ongoing efforts; the effect of which cannot be overstated.

Let me be so bold as to speak for the entire Pinnacles climbing community and say "Best Of Luck" to our new condor pal... where ever he may be flying.

Climb On!

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