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FOP Attends Access Fund Fundraiser

On September 9th, representatives from Friends Of Pinnacles attended a Fund Raiser for the Access Fund held at the Rotunda in Oakland California.

FOP president, Bruce Hildenbrand along with Brooks White (Sr. Technical Officer) and Nicole Phelon (Secretary) were invited to attend the event which included a silent auction, a wonderful catered dinner, a regular auction, the 2016 Sharp End Awards and a fantastic keynote/slide presentation by Jimmy Chin. Thousands of dollars were raised throughout the weekend to further the Access Fund's efforts and our own Bruce Hildenbrand participated directly in part of the auction during the dinner. One of the evenings highlights was when Jimmy Chin previewed a clip from his upcoming film following Alex Honalds free solo of El Cap.

FOP is thrilled to have been asked to attend and show support for everything for which the Access Fund does and stands. We connected with a lot of old friends and made a handful of new ones. If we are lucky we might get invited back next year... fingers crossed.

Thank you to our friends at the Access Fund.

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