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PCAD and Project Update

FOP received this update regarding the upcoming Pinnacles Climber Appreciation Day and other potential Park projects on September 14th. It comes from Veronica Johnson.

Hello everyone,

The weather is changing and we are looking forward to the fall!

We are about 5 weeks from the Annual Pinnacles Climber Appreciation Event.

I wanted to touch base and give a quick update from the park on how things are coming together in regards to identifying climber relevant service projects specific to resources associated with the Climbing community as well as an update on the upcoming October 20 & 21 event.


  • July:
    NPS completed field surveys of many of the climber access areas and trails to evaluate conditions and possible project needs. specifically looking at volunteer appropriate projects.
  • August:
    NPS staff identified priority projects and began planning for possible 2017 projects.
  • September:
    Projects submitted and pending approval for work to be completed in 2017. Project supply needs identified with need to determine how supplies could be aquired.
  • October:
    Finalize project details and host climbing volunteers on service projects

NEEDED: PCAD Lead Project Assistants

We are interested in recruiting about 5 volunteers to take a lead role for the weekend projects (Friday and Saturday). Skills needed to be a PCAD Lead Project Assistant are: returning volunteer to PCAD event, advanced knowledge of the park's climbing trails and resources, commitment to quality work, reliable, committed to working safely and protecting resources, great at following directions, trail-work or labor experience a plus and a good leader. Please let us know if you or anyone in your organization would be interested in being a PCAD Project Assistant.

Lead Project Assistants will report directly to Jim Palmer, Trails Supervisor, the Oct 20 & 21 Event NPS Project Lead

Possible projects may include building wooden walls, re-stabilizing vegetation, installing log steps to stabilize soil and directed trail brushing.

Thank you for your interest in giving back to the park and we look forward to the October event and working with you all to care for Pinnacles NP.

Feel free to contact me anytime.

Thank you


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