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2017 PCAD Report

October 20th, 21st and 22nd marked the 5th Annual PINNACLES CLIMBER APPRECIATION DAYS.

The work crews took on multiple projects including:

  • constructing belay/staging platforms at Teaching Rock
  • staging areas at The Unmentionable
  • brush cutting on multiple climber access trails including Gertie's and Pipsqueak Pinnacle

Of course there was the highly anticipated auction and raffle where many fortunes are made.

A special shout out goes to the PCAD committee who did an awesome job of planning and logistics management to make this all happen. Kudos to you all.

Below, are some shots taken by our President, Bruce Hildenbrand, who managed the "Trash Crew" showing the results of their efforts (37 plastic bottles, 10 glass bottles, 6 aluminum cans and about 10lbs of misc trash).

For more great shots from the day and more detailed descriptions of the various other projects, head on over to Mud n' Crud's PCAD thread.

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