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Trash Cleanup Report From 2018 PCAD

The 6th annual Pinnacles Climber Appreciation Days(PCAD) was held October 12-14th at Pinnacles National Park.

Check the PCAD Wrap up article from John Cook for complete details from the event.

Along with trail maintenance in the High Peaks and brush clearing on climber's trails, such as the south approach to the Yaks, the weekend included the always popular trash cleanup.

Friends of Pinnacles President, Bruce Hildenbrand and Kathy Cook led a group of hearty individuals from several trails on the east side up into the High Peaks, over the craggy crest and back down into Bear Gulch. Honorable mention goes to Pinnacles wildlife biologist, Gavin Emmons, who donned TWO Tyvek suits and rappeled into the ravine below the Tunnel Trail bridge to access that poison oak-riddled trash depository.

All in all, 36 plastic bottles, 10 aluminum cans, 7 glass bottles and about 10 lbs of assorted trash were gathered (see Gallery below).

Many thanks to the PCAD Board Aaron McDonald(President), Dina Blair, John Cook, Kathy Cook, Caleb Rightmyer and Jon Cochran plus the National Park Service headed by Veronica Johnson and Jennifer Westphal of the Pinnacles Foundation for making this all happen.

Hope to see you all next year!

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