News Item
- Pinnacles Raptor Monitoring Update for July 2024
(posted: Jul 27, 2024)The 2024 raptor breeding season at Pinnacles National Park (PINN) is coming to an end. Here is an update on how the season played out this year.
2019 PCAD Wrap Up
posted: November 04, 2019
Friends Of Pinnacles would like to give a heart felt thank you and extend congratulations to the PCAD team for organizing another great event. Below is the event wrap up supplied by John Cook from the PCAD group.
Well, the 2019 Pinnacles Climber Appreciation Weekend has come to a close and we are happy to report another successful outing.
We easily met our maximum capacity for volunteers and the work went like... well, clockwork.
Here is a quick summary of the activities:
- We had 6 crews total
- 4 crews on brushing and trash pickup
- 2 more crews on more remote trash pickup
- Trash Crew Group 1: Bear Gulch, Base of Discovery, Reservoir, Chalone Peak - Leader Bruce Hildenbrand with 7 volunteers
- Trash Crew Group 2: Condor Gulch, HighPeaks, Steep and Narrow, Tunnel/Bear Gulch - Leader Kathy Cook with 7 volunteers
- Trail Brushing Group 1: CCC Road to Frog and Hand - Leader Jon Cochran with 5 volunteers
- Trail Brushing Group 2: Top of Discovery, Teaching Rock, Upper Crust, Sisters, Gerties - Leader Mark Fletcher with 7 volunteers
- Trail Brushing Group 3: Marmot, Yaks, Hanging Valley - Leader Brad Young with 10 volunteers
- Trail Brushing Group 4: Carousel, Pipsqueak, Umnentionable, Pinch or Lynch, Flatiron - Leader Caleb Rightmyer with 7 volunteers
Here is a picture of the Chalone Peak Cleanup Crew:
All told there were 43 volunteers in the field - not counting crew leaders (6), organizer John Cook or those that stayed in camp (3) to help with late registration and getting things ready for auction and raffle... awesome!
The Final Tally
After expenses the PCAD group raised a little over $900 which will be donated to ASCA, Access Fund and the Pinnacles National Park Foundation. PCAD will also be sponsoring and assisting Pacific Edge climbing gym when they take a group of Rancho Cielo students out to Pinnacles for a climbing day. Kat and John Cook spearheaded this activity last year.
That's it for now. See you next year!