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Fire Restrictions In Effect

Fire Restrictions Barring Charcoal Grills and Campfires Now In Effect

Date: July 2, 2020

Beginning on July 1st (7/1/2020), all campfires and charcoal grills will not be permitted for use inside Pinnacles National Park, as a result of increased fire danger. Smoking on trails is also prohibited.

Fire Risk Assessments have increased fire danger at Pinnacles to Very High, meriting the escalation of restrictions. While the increased usage restricitons are implemented every year, the exact date can vary depending on the level of risk from year to year.

Visitors are also reminded that fireworks, pyrotechnics, or munitions are extremely prohibited, year-round.

The closures and conditional changes at the park due to COVID-19 are still in effect and unrelated:

  • The entrance road on the East side remains closed past the campground.
  • Park hours remain from 7:30am to 8:00 pm.
  • Visitor Centers, Shuttle services, and the cave trails remain closed and inoperational.
  • Fees remain waived, and entry remains free.

The fire usage restrictions last until the risk has abated, typically in mid-Autumn.

Visit the Park Web Site for current park conditions and closures.

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