News Item
- Pinnacles Raptor Monitoring Update for July 2024
(posted: Jul 27, 2024)The 2024 raptor breeding season at Pinnacles National Park (PINN) is coming to an end. Here is an update on how the season played out this year.
Westside Closed Due To Rain
posted: January 30, 2021
PAICINES, CA - Due to damage caused by high winds and heavy rainfall over the past few days, the west side (Soledad, CA) of Pinnacles National Park and the Balconies trail are temporarily closed to all users. The closure will allow staff to remove down trees, repair trail washouts, and mitigate any safety concerns.
"Pinnacles received more than five inches of rain over the past 48 hours. This has resulted in number of unsafe trail conditions. Since visitor safety is paramount, we need time to remove down trees and repair any unsafe conditions on the west side of the park," said Superintendent Blanca Alvarez Stransky.
The closed areas of the park will reopen as soon as the safety concerns are addressed. If additional unsafe conditions are found these areas of the park may remain closed.
Visitors are asked to refer to the park website and social media sites for the most current park conditions.
For more information contact Richard Moorer 831-389-4486