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Possible Bolting Restrictions

The National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) are trying to complete development of their "fixed anchor" policies for Wilderness areas. This means that they will be establishing rules governing the placement of bolts in National Parks containing Wilderness areas. This includes Pinnacles.

Pinnacles National Park is about 80% Wilderness (as defined by the Wilderness Act), so any new rules will have a significant impact on climbing at the Pinns.

The draft proposal outlines specific elements related to fixed anchors including: minimum requirements for new anchors, authorization procedures, placement evaluation, liability considerations and more.

Act NOW!

Here's what you can do to make your voice heard (the comment period closes on Jan 30th, 2024):

  1. Read The Proposal Yourself
    Don't rely on someone else telling you what is in the proposed document. The whole document is 20 pages, but the meat of the proposal is only about 5 pages. Go here to download the PDF.
  2. Check Out The Access Fund's Page
    The Access fund has put together an overview of the situation with lots of links to how to participate. Go here to view their information.
  3. Send The Park Your Feedback
    Pinnacles has their own feedback form for you to chime in. The Access Fund page has some good talking points that you can use as suggestions for making your comments along with links to other feedback options. Go here to Submit Your Comments.
  4. Remember The Park Is NOT Your Enemy
    The climbing community has historically had a great relationship with Pinnacles management and staff. These people are on our side with respect to preserving climbing at the Park. Try to resist sending angry or (heaven forbid) threatening comments to the Park. They DO care about what you have to say, so use your comment to encourage an OPEN policy reflecting the climbing freedoms we currently enjoy.

Climb On!

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