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Public Meeting for Re-opening of Bear Gulch Cave

Pinnacles National Monument is considering re-opening the Bear Gulch Cave to public access while maintaining the integrity of the Townsend's Big-eared bat colony, a California species of special concern. To determine the potential impacts of the project, the Monument has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) of options that would permit visitor access on a limited basis.

A public meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 18 at 7:00 PM at the Hollister City Council Chambers, 375 Fifth Street, to discuss the project. The public is encouraged to attend and participate in this important meeting.

The EA is currently available for public review and can be downloaded from the park WebPages at ( Copies are also available by writing to the monument or by calling (831) 389-4485 ext. 0. Additional copies are available at the Bear Gulch Visitor Center, Chaparral Ranger Station and in the local libraries in King City, Salinas, San Juan Bautista and Hollister.

For more information please e-mail Amy Fesnock/Wildlife Biologist or call at (831) 389-4485 ext. 223.

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