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Passing of Ranger Andrew Artz

Ranger Andrew Artz died of respiratory illness complications at Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital in Hollister, California, yesterday.

Andy most recently served as a law enforcement ranger at Pinnacles along with his wife Wendy. Over the course of his career he worked as a ranger at Mount Rainier NP, Devil's Tower NM, Great Basin NP, Petrified Forest NP, Olympic NP, Independence NHP, and Organ Pipe Cactus NM.

Andy will be remembered as a true NPS ranger - diverse in skills, broad in knowledge, and possessing complete dedication to friends, co-workers, and public service. His compassion and friendship will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

Cards and letters may be sent to his family through his wife, Wendy Artz, at 5000 Hwy 146, Paicines, CA 95043. Donations may be made to Doctors Without Borders (1-888-392-0392), or the Hollister Animal Shelter (831-636-4320).

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