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A New Type of Bolt at the Pinns

As of Mar 2001 an effort has begun to replace critical and high traffic bolts throughout the park with new titanium glue-ins. These titanium bolts offer unparalleled durability and strength in soft rock - perfect for Pinnacles conditions. Although the placement of these bolts is a bit of an art, when placed correctly these bolts could last 10, 20 even 100 years. This means less damage to the rock over time, which is good news for both climbers and the Park Service.

The following bolts have been replaced with the new titanium glue-ins:

Discovery Verdict - 3 bolts
The Monolith Cantaloupe Death - five bolts
Feed the Beast - four bolts
Regular route - two bolts

These titanium bolts are either 3" or 6" depending on the relative rock hardness. Because the glue used with glue-in bolts forms a bond with the surrounding rock the resulting bond can actually be stronger than the surrounding rock. For more information regarding Greg Barnes and the ASCA go to:

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