News Item
- Pinnacles Raptor Monitoring Update for July 2024
(posted: Jul 27, 2024)The 2024 raptor breeding season at Pinnacles National Park (PINN) is coming to an end. Here is an update on how the season played out this year.
Connecting Parks and Communities
posted: May 12, 2006
Pinnacles National Monument is in a time of great transition. The recent reintroduction of endangered California condors coupled with the addition of significant new lands has focused increasing attention on this once- quiet park. However, neither of these events could be possible without the vision and commitment of a group of community members who began a grassroots campaign to preserve the Pinnacles Rocks in the early 1900’s. As Pinnacles approaches its 100 year anniversary, January 16, 2008, centennial celebration planning offers an outstanding opportunity to forge new connections with the diverse population that makes up the Central Coast region of California. Pinnacles is delighted to have the opportunity to work collaboratively with Pacific Gas & Electric to further engage our local communities. "Pacific Gas and Electric Company is pleased to partner with the National Parks Foundation and National Park Service on the Connecting Parks and Communities program at Pinnacles National Monument. The Pinnacles is an important natural resource for the Central Coast and we are pleased to support efforts to increase the community's engagement with the park," Dan Quigley, Director of Charitable Contributions, Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Two planned events are to be held on the Monument’s west side on May 13, 2006 and in September 2007. "We are confident that our efforts will continue to move Pinnacles forward in its goal of sharing the park’s resources and values with the general public, especially improving our outreach to culturally diverse audiences," stated Park Superintendent Eric Brunnemann. "These opportunities will enable us to further develop our relationship with the local communities, encouraging them to take full advantage of all that Pinnacles has to offer, while promoting the National Park Service’s vision of connecting our parks with its surrounding communities."
It is hoped that these two Pinnacles Community Celebration events will evolve into an annual event that supports and encourages multicultural stewardship and ownership of the park. The Park Service’s mission is to preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of these pristine lands for this and all future generations. With the local communities supporting, enjoying and actively participating in their park, Pinnacles will continue to showcase a scenic and convenient national park full of recreational and educational opportunities into the future through these strong stewardship connections.
Additional information and other park information can be obtained by visiting our web site or by calling 831- 389- 4485 extension 0.
This project was made possible in part by a grant from the National Park Foundation through the generous support of Pacific Gas and Electric Company.