News Item
- Pinnacles Raptor Monitoring Update for July 2024
(posted: Jul 27, 2024)The 2024 raptor breeding season at Pinnacles National Park (PINN) is coming to an end. Here is an update on how the season played out this year.
Park Roads Temporarily Closed for Maintenance
posted: October 16, 2006
East Side Road Closure
Some park roads, on the east side of Pinnacles National Monument, will be partially closed on Wednesday, October 18 through Friday, October 20 for road maintenance. The road will be closed to traffic from the bridge at Chalone creek to the Moses Spring, Condor Gulch, and Bear Gulch (headquarters) areas. Only emergency traffic will be allowed to access these areas. The road will reopen on the morning of Saturday, October 21.Visitors to the monument during the road closure will be able to park at the Peaks View area, the Old Pinnacles trailhead (in the Chalone area), and at the wayside before the closure. From the Peaks View and wayside parking areas, there is approximately a 1-mile walk to the visitor center area via the Bear Gulch Trail. Once in the visitor center area, all trailheads and restrooms will be accessible by foot, although brief waits may be necessary if equipment is present.
West Side Road Closure
The west side of Pinnacles National Monument will be closed for the entire day on Thursday, October 19 as the entrance road is being resurfaced. Due to the heavy equipment used and the lack of trails from the entrance into the park, the west side will be closed for the day. The road into the west side will reopen on the morning of Friday, October 20.
If you are traveling in the park after this maintenance, please drive carefully as the road surface may be slick.
General park information can be obtained by visiting our Web site or by calling 831-389-4485 extension 0.