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Celebrate National Park Week with Pinnacles

Release Date: April 17, 2007
Contact: Carl Brenner, Supervisor, Interpretation & Education
Phone: (831) 389 – 4485 x265 Celebrate National Park Week with Pinnacles National Monument

Join Pinnacles National Monument in celebrating National Park Week through a series of programs and events. Festivities begin with a public release of California condor on Saturday April 21, and culminate with Junior Ranger Day on Saturday April 28, 2007. The expanded schedule of National Park Week events is below.

National Park Week is an annual Presidentially proclaimed week to underscore our commitment to conserve our natural and historical treasures and encourage all people to enjoy, learn from, and protect these important parts of our heritage. This year's theme, "Connecting our Children to America's National Parks," reflects the National Park Service's commitment to encouraging young people to enjoy outdoor recreation and better appreciate our Nation's beauty and history.

On Saturday, April 21, up to three California condors will be released into the wild at Pinnacles National Monument, 80 miles south of San Jose. The public is invited to attend the event, which begins at 9:30 a.m., to witness the first free flights of these condors. The release will take place on the east side of the park off of Highway 25. Shuttle services from designated parking areas will transport guests to within a mile and a quarter of viewing area. Guests unable to walk the remaining mile can request special assistance. Spotting scopes, binoculars, water, layered clothing and good hiking shoes are highly recommended. Parking is limited, and is on a first come, first served basis. Car pools are encouraged; arrival by 7:30 a.m. is recommended. Additional information is available at Pinnacles’ web page

Junior Ranger Day centers around encouraging participation in the Junior Ranger program, which is designed to engage children and families in the stories embodied in their national parks. Children complete activity books that lead them through the park in a kid-friendly way. They are drawn to parts of the park story to which they can relate. When completed, they present their booklets to a ranger to earn a patch or badge and a certificate.

Date Event Location Time Note
April 21 California Condor Release Event East Pinnacles Recommended latest arrival 7:30 am for more information
  Ranger-led hike Bear Gulch Visitor Center 10:30 am  
  Ranger Talk Bear Gulch Visitor Center 3:00 pm  
  Campground Program Campground Amphitheater 8:00 pm  
April 22 Ranger-led hike Bear Gulch Visitor Center 10:30 am  
  Ranger Talk Bear Gulch Visitor Center 3:00 pm  
April 28 Junior Ranger Day* Bear Gulch Visitor Center 10 am to 2 pm  
  Ranger-led hike Bear Gulch Visitor Center 10:30 am  
  Junior Ranger Hike* Bear Gulch Visitor Center 12 noon Reservations required, limit 35
  Ranger Talk Bear Gulch Visitor Center 3:00 pm  
April 29 Ranger-led hike Bear Gulch Visitor Center 10:30 am  
  Ranger Talk Bear Gulch Visitor Center 3:00 pm  

  • Junior Ranger Activities are for families with children from 3-13 years of age; parents must be in attendance.

General park information can be obtained by visiting our Web site or by calling 831-389-4485 extension 0.

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