Become A Member
Become a Friends Of Pinnacles member. It's FREE!
Friends Of Pinnacles is a "not for profit organization"* and needs your support. You can help by simply becoming a member of our family and allowing us to keep you informed. Of course we would love to have you take the next step of volunteering to help with clean ups and trail building. Get even more involved and volunteer to assist with our daily Web-based maintenance activities. Which ever route you choose we welcome you to our group.
As a member you will receive our free FOP Relayer eNewsletter. The newsletter contains any news that may be of interest to our members. The newsletter does NOT contain ads. We do NOT share our members contact information with ANY marketing entities.
Would you like to help out by making a small donation? Visit our donations page.
*Friends Of Pinnacles in NOT an official, 501c3, "non-profit." Any donations are NOT tax-deductible.
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